Zombies Chronicles Deluxe Edition

Nu met meer content dan ooit.
Call of Duty®: Black Ops III Zombies Chronicles Deluxe bevat de volledige basisgame, de Season Pass, Zombies Chronicles en extra digitale bonuscontent, waaronder:
De bonusmap 'The Giant': Zombies is terug in al zijn ondode glorie met 'The Giant'. Herbeleef de chaos van Treyarchs klassieke Zombiesmap 'Der Riese' en ga verder waar het verhaal van Dempsey, Nikolai, Richtofen en Takeo ophield in Origins.
3 Personalization Packs: de populaire packs Cyborg en Weaponized 115 en een nieuw Black Ops 3-pack. Elk pack bevat een wapencamouflage, richtkruizen en een visitekaartje.
De content van de uitbreiding Zombies Chronicles met 8 geremasterde klassieke maps uit Call of Duty®: World at War, Call of Duty®: Black Ops en Call of Duty®: Black Ops II.
Mod Tools Open Beta Now Live

The Black Ops 3 Mod Tools Open Beta has arrived! Full version Black Ops 3 owners can install the Mod Tools under the Tool Section via the Steam Library titled Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Mod Tools.
Mod Tools Include:
- Black Ops 3 Steam Workshop*
- Unranked Server Browser*
- Radiant Level Editor
- APE, Asset Property Editor
- Mod Tools Launcher
- Optional additional level building assets from a variety of official Black Ops 3 maps can be installed under the DLC section of Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Mod Tools
- Full examples of the multiplayer map Combine and the Zombies map The Giant
- New Server Settings Menu in Multiplayer Custom Games and Zombies Private Game where you can set how your server will display in the Unranked Server Browser*
- New Mods Menu where you can load and unload your subscribed mods*
Downloading the mod tools is not required for these items or to play Black Ops 3 Steam Workshop contentModding Guides:
Multiplayer Starter Pack Available

The Call of Duty: Black Ops III Multiplayer Starter Pack allows you to experience the ranked Multiplayer game mode of Black Ops III. This is a Multiplayer-only version of Black Ops III that has limited content. See below for more detail.
The Multiplayer Starter Pack gives you access to Public Ranked Multiplayer matches and features including Weapon Paint Shop, Gunsmith, Arena, Freerun, Theater, and the Black Market.
For the complete Call of Duty: Black Ops III experience, you will need to upgrade to the full version of the game. Below is a list of features not available in the Multiplayer Starter Pack.
Features NOT included in the Call of Duty: Black Ops III Multiplayer Starter Pack:
- Zombies game mode
- Campaign game mode
- Ability to play in Multiplayer custom games
- Ability to Prestige (your level will be capped at 55 in the Starter Pack)
- Access to mod tools or modded content (once released)
- Access to unranked server browser (once released)
- Ability to Fresh Start your profile
- The ability to access Dead Ops Arcade II and Nightmares mode
At any time, you can
upgrade to a full version of Call of Duty: Black Ops III, and the price you paid for the Starter Pack will automatically be deducted from the price of the full game or Digital Deluxe Edition.
For more information on the Multiplayer Starter Pack, please visit our
With Black Ops III, Treyarch premieres a new momentum-based chained-movement system, allowing players to fluidly move through the environment with finesse, using controlled thrust jumps, slides, and mantling abilities in a multitude of combinations, all while maintaining complete control over your weapon at all times. Black Ops 3 multiplayer also introduces the new Specialist character system, which allows players to rank up and master each specific character’s battle-hardened capabilities and weapons.
Info over het spel
Call of Duty®: Black Ops III Zombies Chronicles Edition bevat de volledige basisgame en de content van de uitbreiding Zombies Chronicles.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III combineert drie unieke speltypen: Campaign, Multiplayer en Zombies. Dit is de diepste en meest ambitieuze Call of Duty ooit.
De content van de uitbreiding Zombies Chronicles bestaat uit 8 geremasterde klassieke Zombies-maps van Call of Duty®: World at War, Call of Duty®: Black Ops en Call of Duty®: Black Ops II. Volledige maps van het originele verhaal zijn in volledig geremasterd HD speelbaar in Call of Duty®: Black Ops III